
0.5 mi to summit

1.4 mi total


578 ft start


515 ft gain


15 min to summit

45 min total

I picked up where I left off from last week when visiting Black Mountain Open Space Park. However, this time around, I only went after Ebony Benchmark. I got as close as I could before setting off on foot. I parked at the end of Camino Cresalida and walked the easement at the end of the street. This led to the access trail to Ebony Benchmark. The climb itself was steep but short. On the summit I expected to find an actual benchmark, but I had no luck finding it. If there is one, it is hidden from view. I returned the way I came in order to drive to my next target for the day.

Route name

Camino Cresalida


no info yet

Key gear

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