
2.0 km to summit

4.0 km total


935 m start


135 m gain


35 min to summit

1 hr 5 min total

From Prz. nad Łapszanką. I was dropped off at the col by the shrine. A short descent on the lane brought me into the hamlet of Wyżni Koniec. From there I followed the yellow trail up north-east on a track through pastures around the west flank of Hołowiec 1035m. Where the trail began to descend into the next valley I left it to follow another track north-west over Pt. 1026m. At the highest point on the track I took a faint path west through pastures and into the forest. A short bush-wack north brought me into a grassy clearing. An earthen mound covered in wild raspberry plants constituted the summit. There was no view. I returned by my outward route to the col and waiting car and family. Very hot, dry and sunny. Solo.



Key gear

trekking poles