
3.9 mi to summit

10.8 mi total


5,797 ft start

7,407 ft max


2,279 ft gain


1 hr 49 min to summit

5 hr 38 min total

We wanted to explore the new trails in the area, so we headed out to Lovell Canyon. We started at the Lovell Canyon Trailhead and took the Lovell Canyon Trail to the first junction, where we turned left onto the Lovell Canyon Loop Trail. At the next junction, we turned left again onto the Griffith Shadow South Trail. We followed the trail to the North Ridge of Dead Badger Peak. There, we went off-trail, weaving in & around brush up to the summit. After a short break, we descended the North Ridge back to the trail and continued north on Griffith Shadow South Trail. A short while after crossing the high saddle (where the trail turns into the Griffith Shadow North Trail, we ran into some friends doing trail maintenance with Friends of Nevada Wilderness. We chatted for a bit, thanked them for their work, then continued along Griffith Shadow North trail into the Carpenter One Fire burn area. We followed that trail to its terminus in the wash. There is no signage out here yet, but I was prepared with a topo map and an outline of the different trails in the area. We turned left onto the Shaefer Spring Trail. Once we reached the Lovell Canyon Loop Trail, we took the left fork again, then our last left back onto the Lovell Canyon Trail. Basically, if looking at all of the loop trails in the area together on a map, we followed the outer perimeter to make a giant 12.56 mile loop (which includes the short off-trail hike to Dead Badger Peak.)


routefinding, blowdowns

Key gear

GPS device