
こんにちわ。 来週仕事で日本に行くことになりました。 29か30日に山登りしようと思うんですが、御一緒にいかがでしょうか?(富士山は登ったことがあるので別の山を考えています) ところで、英語話すことできますでしょうか? Hi. I will be in Japan next week for work, and would like to hike a peak the weekend after (Jan 30). Would you be interested in joining me? Also, do you speak English?


Hi Sean. Sorry! I didn't see your message until today! I'm British but was living in Japan. Now I'm back in the UK. Thanks for asking me and I hope you enjoy your trip. If you have time I recommend going to the Tanzawa mountains which is my favourite place to go hiking. Only a short train ride from Tokyo on the Odakyu line from Shinjuku.