
1.0 mi to summit

2.6 mi total


10,632 ft start

11,364 ft max


637 ft gain


43 min to summit

1 hr 36 min total

I left the house at 5 AM, Saturday, September 1, 2012, and headed east on I-40 past the town of Clines Corners to Highway 3, then north to I-25, then to Las Vegas, New Mexico. From there I took highway 518 NNW until I came to Forest Road 76. My first goal was to hike the mountain peak called Cuchillo de Fernando. Forest Road 76 is a dirt road that follows a beautiful, green, forested valley with a little stream flowing through it. At the end of the valley it goes up and over a ridge. The first 10 miles are drivable by a passenger car but the remainder of the drive is a very tough 4WD road, maybe another 10 miles? I am not sure of the total distance of the dirt road but it took me 1 hour and 15 minutes to drive to the southern base of the mountain, from the start of FR 76. I parked at an elevation of 10,630 feet. The GPS said nine tenths of a mile to the peak as the crow flies. It was a cool crisp morning. I started hiking at 9:15 and headed straight up the hill to the peak following grass culverts and little meadows. A short way up and I saw 5 or 6 large grouse not far from a little pond. I reached a ridge near the top then had to cross many fallen logs. I reached the peak after hiking 1.2 miles in 48 minutes. Cuchillo de Fernando has an elevation of 11,395. The top was covered with trees, although I did get a few nice expansive views hiking up. I took a more leisure way down, looping to the west. I followed a fence line then a road. The total hike was 3 miles and it took 1 hour and 37 minutes. My total elevation gain was 805 feet.
I then followed the same rough 4WD road to the south, maybe 5 miles? I parked at an elevation of 10,730. My plan was to hike Peak 11,276. I parked west of the peak. My GPS said four tenths of a mile. I like to get at least 3 miles on a mountain peak hike so I really worked to expand the distance to the peak. I followed a forest road that gradually went up hill and arrived on a ridge south of the peak. I then followed the ridge north and had to cross many fallen logs. I arrived at Peak 11,276 after hiking 1.2 miles in 37 minutes. I wanted to expand this hike into a 3 mile hike so I continued to follow the ridge to the north, then followed a dirt road down. Part way down I found a puffball mushroom as big as a baseball and I took it home to cook. As I neared the bottom I looped a little more and turned it into a 3 mile hike. It took 1 hour and 34 minutes to hike. My total elevation gain was 656 feet. This hike could be done in half the time and half the distance by burning it straight up the hill. The leisure way I hiked felt nice for a change. I headed back, arriving home at 4:45.

See pictures of highest peaks in New Mexico: 1 to 62 of highest 184 NM peaks (Now 190) Part 1 YouTube
See pictures of highest peaks in New Mexico: 63 to 124 of highest 184 NM peaks (Now 190) Part 2 YouTube

List of highest 184 peaks in New Mexico (Now 190) A very inclusive list!


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