
2.1 mi to summit

4.3 mi total


1,846 ft start

2,798 ft max


1,570 ft gain


2 hr 9 min to summit

3 hr 44 min total

I tried to do these earlier in the week, but weather wasn't cooperating. We came back today with LVMC & had sunny skies (although it was quite windy). We ascended the NW ridge to Hiko Point, which required a single awkward class 4 (or high 3) move to get to the top. The first register entry was from 1998; the next was 2009; then Feb 2019 & us in Mar 2019. Not a busy place! We then dropped down to the south & hiked up to Center Benchmark, then traversed across to Conical Peak. This was a fun, scenic loop that I would definitely do again. Just watch out for the cholla! As a bonus, there are petroglyphs near Hiko Spring as well!

Route name

Conical Peak 4.3 mi route


routefinding, rockfall/loose rock

Key gear

GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip