
1.2 mi to summit

5.3 mi total


7,890 ft start

10,157 ft max


2,810 ft gain


1 hr 36 min to summit

3 hr 53 min total

Walllace canyon rd is in horrible shape it is rutted out quite bad definitely need high clearance 4WD to get here . Took me almost an hour just on Wallace canyon rd. Next time I would probably loop this by trying to come down the lee/Charleston saddle to Wallace canyon overlook and then going up an obvious rib of mt Charleston .

The peaks were great , Clinton is pretty hairy the way I tried to come up. I could not find any class 3 ledges , quirky foind myself in exposed class 5 when I tried to navigate the ridge . Sidehilled over to a dry fall that I spotted from afar that looked like it would go. It was pretty stiff class 4 but only 15-20ft of real climbing. After that you can walk up to summit and easily get Reagan after . Coming down , I came across the best water source coming right out the mountain. So crisp and refreshing. Walked out the canyon to loop it . Overall a great route without too much brush


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Your ascent route is what we called "the Lewinsky Buttress." Joke.


i did get a good laugh out of your comment in there about lewinsky point