
4.7 mi to summit

12.5 mi total


1,501 ft start


3,325 ft gain


4 hr 0 min to summit

11 hr 0 min total

Hiked up via 19 Mile Brook Trail to Carter Notch Hut. Topped off water at the Hut and proceeded on the steep climb up to Carter Dome. Great lookout point looking over at Wildcat A and down in to the Notch. After Carter Dome hit Mount Hight which has the best views in the whole Carter-Moriah Range. From there traversed over to South Carter and then Middle Carter. Hiked down via North Carter Trail to the Imp Trail and out via Camp Dodge. It was a short road walk on Rte. 16 back to the trailhead. Fantastic day marking off 41, 42, and 43 of the NH 48.



Key gear

trekking poles, GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip