
4.4 mi to summit

11.7 mi total


3,848 ft start

6,230 ft max


3,341 ft gain


3 hr 8 min to summit

5 hr 30 min total

After the handline up amphitheater I branched off hard left and followed ducks all the way up to the peak (after not going high enough quick enough and getting lost for an hour+). Was extremely well ducked. 3-4 cruxy spots, didn’t think any of it was 5.3 though. no hand lines either . There were two spots that had rap stations but I was able to avoid one of them on the way up & down with some easier terrain nearby by following ducks. Started raining at summit and had to down climb most of the route in light rain. Once again, bob burd and Harlan had helpful trip reports for this peak , both links on peakbagger.

Hopefully I can wrap up these red rock peaks before Memorial Day


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Key gear

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