
1.9 mi to summit

2.4 mi total


1,418 ft start

1,444 ft max


229 ft gain


1 hr 22 min to summit

3 hr 31 min total

Spence Inman, Terri Likens, Aron Mooneyhan (me), and dogs Boo, Bristol, and Summer hiked out from Terry Cemetery trail head one and a half miles and descended through Maude's Crack to the John Muir Trail and went north. After about a half mile we bushwhacked east off of the trail and up onto a southern spur of Burke Knob. Once we ascended the spur we turned north towards a hundred foot sheer cliff face on the southern peak of the knob. It was here that we saw a black bear track. We turned east and went around to the southeastern flank and found a promising spur that seemed to be an access route to the summit. We did make a successful summit of Burke Knob by way of this southeastern spur, but it had the thickest brier thicket I've ever been through. We all shed blood on the briers, including the dogs, but we did make the summit!

Route name



bushwhacking, no water source, Briers!

Key gear

no info yet


I'm really proud of us!