
1.2 km to summit

7.7 km total


26 m start

377 m max


437 m gain


39 min to summit

3 hr 46 min total

Tai Tam reservoir to Stanley - The Twins via minor peaks to the east.

Start point - Tai Tam Country Park bus stop (I caught a #14 bus from near Sai Wan Ho MTR)
Finish - Stanley (beaches/market/#14 bus to Sai Wan Ho or others to Central).

Not far from the bus stop go up concrete steps directly behind the “Tai Tam Country Park” sign board. These steps soon level off; turn off left when you see a steep, vegetated jungly minor trail marked by ribbons all the way to the Wilson Trail at The Twins.

Bridge Hill - maps depict the ‘summit’ at a junction of paths decorated with an abundance of ribbons. The actual high point is north of this, off on a short spur track, at the location of the ‘historic boundary stone’ depicted on some maps. See photos. No views due vegetation. Bridge Hill saw fighting with the Japanese in December 1941. Interesting story here..(scroll down and there’s picture of Bridge Hill) http://battleforhongkong.blogspot.com/2015/03/erinville-and-cashs-bungalow-at-redhill.html The driveway to Cash’s bungalow began at the bus stop where my walk starts. The Japanese had a machine gun position at Cash’s bungalow which was used to fire on British troops on Bridge Hill

Kwai Shan - maps show no trail to this summit but nevertheless a jungly ribboned route did exist. The summit is indistinct and once again the actual high point location is somewhere north of the depicted location. No views due vegetation. Old WWII era maps refer to Kwai Shan as Notting Hill.

Lo Fu Shan - Another indistinct summit with no views due vegetation.

Cheung Lin Shan - Limited views

The Twins - the south peak summit trig point is off on a short overgrown trail taking off from behind the Wilson Trail marker post W002


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Key gear

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Other peaks climbed on this trip