6.1 mi to summit
12.0 mi total
900 ft start
2,250 ft gain
3 hr 0 min to summit
4 hr 15 min total
Second peak of 2-peak trek on Memorial Day 2018. Biked approx 4.5 miles from Black Star Canyon Road parking (900' elev) along Black Star Cyn dirt road to the "2005 Mariposa Reserve" sign; 20 yards past the sign I veered left (WNW) on a partially maintained foot-trail to the left (WNW) of the road. I left my bike at the lower end of the foot-trail and continued on foot. The trail is steep in places, I followed it to a rock outcropping and free climbed it's face (class 3). At the top I took a westerly bushwhack route to Flat Black Peak(2,580'). There is a rock cairn (no register) on a high point near a small tree. Took a WNW route x-country through heavier brush to Point 2625', then followed a fairly clear (old firebreak?) roller-coaster trail ENE to Black Benchmark(2,710'). The benchmark is not at the high point, but is marked by a white pole near a small sign. Access to the benchmark requires a rock-hopping bushwhack, I didn't find a register can at the benchmark.
routefinding, bushwhacking
bike, GPS device