
2.4 mi to summit

7.5 mi total


1,745 ft start

3,763 ft max


3,555 ft gain


2 hr 34 min to summit

7 hr 26 min total

Excellent outing with Las Vegas Mountaineers Club! We tried a new route that I wasn't sure would go, but it did! Parked along Gilbert Canyon Road and hiked up a wash, then followed a steep, loose ridge to just below Arch Mountains Highpoint. This was the final peak that Amber & I needed to finish the Lake Mead Peak Challenge (all peaks within Lake Mead National Recreation Area with at least 1,000 feet of prominence. We weren't done, though. After a short champagne toast, we continued along the ridge to Black Benchmark, then dropped down and climbed back up to Arch Mountain, which is where the Hoover Dam was originally supposed to go by. We returned roughly the same way, making for a 4k gain day.

Route name

Black Benchmark 7.5 mi route


routefinding, rockfall/loose rock

Key gear

GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip