
7.0 km total


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1,300 m gain


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Moderate scramble, Nugara route. Solo trip. Route was dry with exception of short section in creekbed/gully. But I was so much debris on it, despite the steepness, I was able to walk on the side without problem. It was some risk of breaking snow bridge, falling like 3’ and probably even injury yourself. Other than that route was completely dry. Interesting short, steep scramble, never difficult, little bit of route finding. Good views from the top. On my return I took book’s advice and took right side steep bank ( climber’s left) instead of lower gully /creek. I think it may be even better route for going up. I rejoined creek at lower elevation where avi opening is.

Route to summit



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Key gear

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I was able to go under the snow at the time. It was fun and easy.