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Parking at the car park north of Ribigill, south of Tongue, we took the track past the farm and over the moor, crossing the Allt Lon Malmsgaig west of Cunside. A boggy path led up to the flat Bealach Clais nan Ceap. A steep pathless ascent followed up the eastern flank of the mountain, which seemed to get more vertical the higher we went. Eventually we reached the plateau, resting and eating below a granite tor on Sgor Chaonasaid. There the fierce south-westerly wind hit us, making progress much harder. A short easy scramble brought us to the top of the Sgor, where care was needed to stay upright in the wind-blast. Returning to the path across the plateau, we passed over Sgor a'Bhatain and onwards to the huge tor that is the summit of this complex mountain. Progress towards it was slow, as the gale force wind, gusting at times, made for a slow difficult hike. Eventually we reached the tor and, after some difficulty finding the route, gained the summit by a path that would have been easy under gentler conditions. The wind blast on the summit precluded more than a short stay for summit photos. We abandoned our plan to continue south in a loop around the other summits due to the wind. We retraced our outward route, dropping east below the plateau and out of the wind-blast. The long descent north back to the car passed without incident, as the sun set and rain-clouds moved in from the south-west. The rain began only after we reached the car.

With JK, NP and KM. High cloud cover, with a gale-force south-westerly wind.

Route to summit



gale-force wind

Key gear

trekking poles, GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip