
10.5 km total


no info yet


1,000 m gain


3 hr 0 min to summit

5 hr 15 min total

Departed the car park and headed up the shoulder of Beinn Ghlas, requiring crampons quite early on. Snow was in good consolidated condition, icy in places. Clouds rolled in as we approached the summit. Headed along the ridge to Ben Lawers, slower going in then cloud which then lifted. Worked directly up the face, rather than the path up the shoulder, exposing us to a very steep slab climbing. After summiting we returned down the shoulder, but then moved along the steep north face Beinn Ghlas, discovering the debris from two avalanches which had been triggered by cornice collapses.

Route name

Ben Lawers 10.3 km route


snow on route, avalanche danger, weather

Key gear

ice axe, crampons, mountaineering boots