
13.1 km to summit

27.4 km total


1,504 m start

3,303 m max


1,986 m gain


24 hr 41 min to summit

51 hr 0 min total

Haffner Creek approach is even worse than most people describe: a pure purgatory in 30C heat. The scramble itself has 2 short upper moderate sections (Class 3 terrain). The optional descent gully off Beatrice is right now choked with snow - ice-axe and a traction device recommended. I planned to ascend Stanley Peak as well but realized that the hanging valley between Beatrice and Stanley has no water. Running short on water, I beat a hasty retreat down to Haffner Creek.


road/access issues, routefinding, stream crossing, bushwhacking, blowdowns, rockfall/loose rock, snow on route

Key gear

ice axe, crampons, helmet

Other peaks climbed on this trip