
2.5 mi to summit

7.5 mi total


416 ft start


344 ft gain


1 hr 0 min to summit

3 hr 20 min total

I had been wanting to get to this Allentown NH high point and get another NH FireTower list peak done for a while. I have been intrigued that the Bear Hill Trail looked relatively easy until the final 1/4 mile, straight up the hill. When I got to the turn to go up, there was a sign saying the trail was closed! I looked for the reroute, but not finding any, I went for it. Blowdowns abound. 7 minutes later I was at the top where I was greeted with the awesome ant hills on the open summit area, along with the former firetower footings, which will be soon covered over with grass and weeds. I wandered around in the woods for about 10 min. looking for the highest natural area, then headed down to continue the other half of Bear Hill trail. This section was even less used and I had to negotiate a number of blowdowns, large and small, finally popping out on Bear Hill Rd. near where Podunk Rd turns into a footpath. It was near that junction where I finally saw the rerouted Bear Hill Trail starting out from the Ferret Trail, near Podunk Rd. A long way (about 2 mi.) from the original route! (I never did find the rerouted trail otherwise) On the way back to the pkg. area I took the Little and Big Bear trails for a change of pace. They are well worth the diversion!

Route to summit

Podunk Rd and Bear Hill Tr.


bushwhacking, blowdowns, mud

Key gear

GPS device