
7.1 km to summit

25.8 km total


1,508 m start

2,667 m max


1,643 m gain


4 hr 10 min to summit

11 hr 54 min total

Very smoky and amazing day on Anderson-Bauerman traverse. Anderson Peak was a nasty and boring slog, one of the worst scrambles I've ever done. Lost Mountain was a quick little bump with fun rock. Kootenai Brown Peak was very colourful and more deserving of an official name than Lost mtn. The ridge to Mount Bauerman was shorter than expected and surprisingly scenic with exotic burnt trees and colourful rock. Nugara wasn't lying when he said the ridge on Bauerman was so mellow you hardly notice you are going up! A quick 50 minute scree ski and light bushwhack led back to the valley trail. The 9km walk back on the valley was painful and never ending. If you make the effort to get to Anderson Peak, I highly recommend continuing to Bauerman since it is far more interesting and shorter than you might think.

Route name

Anderson Peak 25.8 km route


routefinding, bushwhacking, rockfall/loose rock, buggy

Key gear

helmet, trekking poles

Other peaks climbed on this trip