
5.9 mi to summit

12.5 mi total


4,140 ft start


1,899 ft gain


2 hr 23 min to summit

5 hr 27 min total

Parked on a dirt road off Old Wilson Road. From there, I walked 1.6 miles to the Wilson Trailhead (rather than sacrificing my vehicle on the dirt road). Once on the official trail, it was another 4.5 miles or so to Wilson Benchmark. The last half mile involved some x-country.

On the way back, I took the short diversion to Pinyon Ridge. I didn’t scramble up the summit boulder, but I did reach up to touch the top. Finally, I climbed to the top of Camel Rock at the end of the hike. This small summit was right near where I parked.

Route to summit



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Other peaks climbed on this trip