
1.7 mi to summit

7.0 mi total


4,865 ft start

6,395 ft max


2,143 ft gain


2 hr 31 min to summit

5 hr 6 min total

some prick took the register on white rock hills and left that note The nerve ! At least they left the funny card

Anyway, this route is no joke . Three hand lines to tunnel vision each one gets harder . You must commit to these ropes. Make sure you are extremely confident in your abilities before this one . No snow up to tunnel vision then lots of snow up to white rock. Extremely annoying as I hate snow. My toes were quite cold. Bailed on the traverse to white springs as I didn’t want to walk through more snow.


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Key gear

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Other peaks climbed on this trip


There was just that one piece of paper in the box when we got up there (so I left the card, heh heh). There are people who get quite self-righteous about "leave no trace." I think it's a strange manifestation of territoriality; like dogs getting upset, and pissing on previous dog piss. There used to be no handlines on the TV route. That is a wilderness area, and handlines are considered litter -- really. But SAR actually likes registers, because they can tell if a lost person ever made the peak. I try to walk a moderate line, but with the 52-peak-handline club, it has gotten ridiculous. That club has an incentive to get as many people up a peak as they can, as they charge for "cards" to show completion. https://hwstock.org/fixed.htm


Quite ironic they take the notebook but leave the ammo box and notebook. And yes I would agree most of the hand lines I come across (Mack’s peak class 2 comes to mind) are quite unnecessary. That is one of many reasons I am not a fan of that club. Hard to get behind monetizing these peaks. Clubs should be created for the love of the game, not to make a profit.