Dropped a car at the Zealand Tr parking lot and headed for Lincoln Woods where we began our ascent at 7:15am. We were in for a long and very hot day, but were ready to tackle five peaks and see if we could beat our own time estimate of 13 hours. And we would have, too! If not for an unintentional detour. Word to the wise: when blood sugar and hydration are getting low, and you've already been on the trail for 9 hours, don't trust your memory... and there's no such thing as checking the map too many times. Lincoln Woods to Bondcliff, West Bond Spur, Twinway, then an unfortunate detour down Zeacliff (longest 1.4 miles of my life) and Ethan Pond before finally making it to the Zealand Falls Hut and taking Zealand Trail down to the car. 5 peaks, 22 miles, 14.5 hours, 1 detour, many liters of water, and a cup of lemonade...

Views were spectacular, trail company was good, and in spite of the mayhem, I'd love to do this climb again with a few tweaks.

Other peaks climbed on this trip