Fellow prominence peak pursuer Matt and I hiked from just north of the Sorrell ranch house. I had called Mr. Sorrell about a week and a half earlier and got permission from him to hike this day. His wife answered the door and was surprised to see us, since he hadn't informed her, but she was very nice and fine with us doing it this day. Mr. Sorrell wasn't feeling well. Anyway, we walked the road, then past the pond and through the gate leading west. We had an easy next half a mile, then began to deal with some brush in the first canyon. We dealt with more brush periodically, but stuck with the south side of the main east ridge, which lessened the brush. Nearer to the summit the brush thickened again, but overall it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. We returned on pretty close to the same route. We checked back in with Mrs. Sorrell when we were done and talked to her for a few minutes, then headed back to the valley. With all the rain the day before we weren't sure what was going to happen, but we only dealt with wet brush on the way up. If it had been raining it may have been a far worse, and possibly unsuccessful hike.

Route to summit

Road to pond, use trail, east ridge.


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Key gear

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