
1.6 mi to summit

3.2 mi total


3,400 ft start


900 ft gain


1 hr 45 min to summit

2 hr 45 min total

My third time, I hiked the same way up as the previous two visits, up Main Divide from Long Canyon Rd to Firebreak to summit, which is about 1.6 mi one way. I then went down to Los Pinos (Munhall Saddle) and hiked to Horsethief Peak (4,313'). I was tempted to go all the way to Trabuco Peak (4,604'), but decided to turn back after topping out on Hosethief Peak, since I hiked on 4 hours of sleep. All in all, it was again a peaceful, crisp day with only one mountain biker the entire hike! The hike to and from Vicker is about 3.2 miles round trip with 900' gain, a fairly easy hike with stupendous scenery! Hiking to Horsethief Peak entails 1.75 mi hiking one way in addition. So hiking totals for the day: 6.7 mi round trip with about 1,200' for both peaks ranking moderate in difficulty. It was yet another mellow day in the great Santa Ana Mountains. Stats below include only the hike to Vicker BM. There may be at least one other way to get to Vicker, and it appears much longer and more strenuous. Upon checking Google Earth, I see that there are a series of firebreaks from by Old Dominion Saddle that one might be able to follow in an undulating fashion to reach Vicker BM. I will have to try this approach in the future and see how it pans out. I am sure that the firebreak route would be far less traveled and more "wilderness" as opposed to a dirt road.

Route name

Main Divide Rd to fire road


no info yet

Key gear

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