
4.4 mi to summit

16.8 mi total


10,041 ft start

12,907 ft max


3,341 ft gain


4 hr 10 min to summit

12 hr 20 min total

Another Sierra trip in the books! Ever since I climbed Langley, I wanted to bag Cirque Peak as well. We drove up Friday afternoon and camped near Alabama Hills. On Saturday, we met a couple more people from Vegas at the Cottonwood Lakes Trailhead and got started. We hiked over to the Cottonwood Pass Trail and took that to the pass. From there, we ascended the ridge to Trailmaster Peak, then Peak 12525, en route to Cirque Peak. Instead of going back the same way, we hiked around the cirque to New Army Pass and descended down that (there was still some sketchy snow) and took the Cottonwood Lakes Trail back to the car. It was a great hike!

Route name

Trailmaster 16.8 mi route


routefinding, stream crossing, snow on route

Key gear

ice axe, helmet, trekking poles, mountaineering boots, GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip