Began at 10:45am. The base of the mountain was a little muddy, and fairly buggy, but nothing copious amounts of bugspray couldn't handle. White Dot starts off at a moderate include until you pass Cascade Link, then the steep uphill and rock-scrambling begins. Luckily the trail was completely dry and devoid of any ice or snow, although it was very packed with people, especially as we neared the summit. From one of the outlooks on White Dot we were able to just barely see the Boston skyline above the southern Wapack Range. We reached the summit at 12:45 and made our way to Dublin Peak to cross off a Monadnock Subpeak. The trail to Dublin Peak was much quieter than the summit and was a great place to have lunch before continuing on to Town Line Peak via the Pumpelly Trail to cross off another Subpeak. We returned to the Monadnock State Park HQ via the Cascade Link which criss-crosses a stream. After rain I'm sure the water level is much higher, but on our hike it was fairly low and easily crossable. Returned to the car around 3:45pm.

Other peaks climbed on this trip