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9 hr 40 min total

From Refugio de Vegarredonda. On a Waymark Holidays trip led by Tony Rogers. We walked up the good track to Jou de Asturianos where the party divided. Some of us climbed to the summit of Torre de la Canal Purda (2350m). We followed cairns initially to go round the north and east of the northern outlier. We then climbed the North Ridge with some scrambling. We returned to the path via the outward route and continued towards Cain. Meanwhile the remainder of the party went ahead of us to Cain. At Cdo del Jou Santu the good path ended. We followed the more northerly of two cairned routes; after a while they joined together. We followed the path to Cain, which in some parts was little more than following cairns. We reached Cain and stayed the night at Casa Cuevas. The weather was good.

Route name

North Ridge


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