
5.6 mi to summit

9.2 mi total


4,854 ft start

7,745 ft max


2,726 ft gain


2 hr 35 min to summit

4 hr 6 min total

3FJ no gear solo!! What an awesome peak . In my opinion, the trip reports on PB make it seem more difficult than it really is . First noteworthy
Obstacle is “ the crawl” which I was able to avoid on the way up by going a bit to the right and up the looser but less exposed rock. After that it’s really just the summit block, I thought everything else was standard class 2/low 3. I was totally socked in the whole time & visibility was maybe 20-30ft which made things a little more difficult but everything is obvious once you roll up on it . I was able to solo the chimney they say goes at 5.4, i believe it is more class 5 but nevertheless still difficult. The rock is definitely loose, but everything I needed to be sturdy was very sturdy I never thought I was in a dangerous position

If I’m anyone would like to attempt Jefferson / Washington before the season is over leave a comment and I’ll give you my # ( I have rope and gear if we want it)


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