
5.0 mi to summit

7.0 mi total


2,728 ft start


2,229 ft gain


3 hr 29 min to summit

5 hr 4 min total

Started at Dillon Divide off Little Tujunga Canyon Road. Took Forest Road 4N35 for 2.8 miles, which passed north of The Pinnacle before reaching Highline Saddle. From the saddle, I utilized use trails to climb the ridgeline to Peak 4403. Mendenhall Peak was tantalizingly close from there, but since I had climbed it previously, I had my sights set on The Pinnacle. I dropped back down to Highline Saddle and immediately climbed the opposite slope. The route was mostly well defined along the ridgeline. The Ridge climbed Peak 3873, which is slightly higher than The Pinnacle. The ridge then took a sharp drop before depositing me close to The Pinnacle. The remaining climb was a steep one up the side of the mountain before levelling off at the summit. Instead of returning back to Highline Saddle, I backtracked about a half mile to the low point on the ridge which was really close to Forest Road 4N35 down below. From there, I did a slow x-country descent through thick brush (good thing I wore long pants). Once back on the road, it was smooth sailing to close out the hike.

Route to summit



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