
1.4 mi to summit

5.5 mi total


3,680 ft start

6,836 ft max


5,055 ft gain


2 hr 31 min to summit

7 hr 27 min total

Almost everything went according to plan as I finally got out to explore this classic. We left the TH at 5 pm and made it up through the Valley of the Silent Men in dense fog and dimming light to the Brothers basecamp by 8pm. Next morning we got a late 8am start for the summit. A lot of sections to this climb: first the forest, then the fire section, then the rockpile/streambed section, then finally the snow (with a long hike portion after the first gully). The Hourglass was still in great shape, and snow ramped all the way to a little below the summit. Crampons required. Descending things almost took a turn for the worse a couple times, like when Dave knocked me down in the crux of the Hourglass while self-arresting, or when Steffen dislodged a huge boulder and Dave jumped over it at the exact right moment (like Mario in Donkey Kong). We greatly underestimated how long the climb and hike back to the TH would take (by 5 hours or so) and were bonking on the way down. A 1-lb Eagle Burger at the Eagle Creek Tavern did the trick.

Route name

The Hourglass


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Key gear

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