
1.5 mi to summit

5.5 mi total


5,809 ft start

6,196 ft max


332 ft gain


2 hr 29 min to summit

3 hr 57 min total

Black Balsam Knob spent most of the day shrouded in clouds, so we bypassed it on the Ivestor Gap Trail (a gated 4WD road) and took a narrow trail up to the Art Loeb Trail to Tennent Mountain for a snack lunch and a 360-degree view! Black Balsam Knob cleared just long enough to take the Art Loeb Trail and another narrow trail up the ridge to the peak of Black Balsam Knob for another 360-degree view! Bring sunscreen for these trails and peaks.

Route name

Art Loeb Trail


no info yet

Key gear

no info yet

Other peaks climbed on this trip