
9.3 km total


no info yet


670 m gain


3 hr 45 min total

After securing the last possible parking space in the hamlet of Thackthwaite, we headed up the grassy track through sheep pastures into the coombe, diverting off the trail onto a path up to a col, then following the fence-line north to the summit of Fellbarrow. Then we headed south, following the fence-line over Smithy Fell onto the top of Sourfoot Fell. Then south-west to a marshy col and up onto Darling Fell. A steep descent east brought us to a beck, followed by a steep ascent onto Pt. 412m on Low Fell. We then headed north to the true summit. Joining the grassy track again, we descended rapidly back to Thackthwaite, as time for our return was pressing. With AT and JT. Bright sunshine, with broken cloud on a north-west wind.

Kestrel, wheatears, and a cuckoo (heard, not seen).

Route name

From Smithy Fell



Key gear

trekking poles, GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip