
1.2 mi to summit

9.2 mi total


9,858 ft start

11,368 ft max


2,440 ft gain


55 min to summit

5 hr 10 min total

Long day of peakbagging around Sonora Pass including Sonora Peak, Stanislaus Peak, and Leavitt Peak. For the first leg, hiked up to St. Mary's Pass, then to Sonora Peak. Traversed the ridge north, heading around several bumps and climbing a few that looked interesting. The climb up to the summit of Stanislaus was mostly a steep scree slog with some fun solid rock higher up. Hiked out along the very flat trail and was back at the 108 in no time. The trail passes a series of incredible springs that burst out of the barren rocky slope. These springs comprise the headwaters of the Clark Fork which feeds into the Stanislaus river. Pretty cool to see!


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