
0.9 mi to summit


813 ft start


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25 min to summit

Started out from the Miner’s Ridge Trailhead and followed the rocky trail toward Black Mountain. The first stop was Secondary Summit. There were good views of nearby Black Mountain from the top. Although there is a trail directly connecting the two peaks, the pathway is closed. My alternative was to return to where the spur trail left the main path and continue on it. It meanders a bit before reaching Black Mountain Road. The road then leads to the summit. After pausing under the towers for a few minutes, I continued on to Little Black Mountain and Manzanita Loop Hill. Ebony Benchmark was the next obvious summit along the ridge, but I ran out of time. Will figure a way up that one next time. Good weather today and good hiking trails in Black Mountain Open Space Park.

Route to summit



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Key gear

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Other peaks climbed on this trip