Bootleg Canyon~
I’m Floating on the Rocks
to the Mountain Tippy Tops
Wind Howling
Gusts Growling
Tossing me about
Far below Bikers go
on Trails that ebb and flow
~Paula Raimondi

2.10.2020~5 mile, 5 peak scamper, 2:52hrs, 1,400’ gain, Hawk Peak, Scramblers Peak, Bootleg Mtn, River Mtn Peak 3,360’ & River Mtn Peak 3,340’. I needed a day of wandering so I thought I’d step on top of some of the beautiful Summits in the River Mountains I have never been to. It was surprisingly challenging and satisfying. This is the first wild place I was introduced to 10 years ago and it changed my life. Being here always feels special and peaceful to me. I saw a Roadrunner with a cool Mohawk and 2 curious Hawks which proves I was moving at a tired “Birding” pace. AND I peed on my own foot because of the wind. A new low.

Other peaks climbed on this trip