
1.0 km to summit

12.0 km total


1,650 m start


270 m gain


20 min to summit

5 hr 30 min total

Part of holiday based in Niederau, bus to Auffach, then up new lift to Krinjoch. A v hot day. From the top of the lift, and easy ascent of 300m to the popular Schatzberg summit. From here we continued along the ridge to the summit of Hahnkopf, then descended steeply to a small lake. Here we left the main track & continued over a small summit and then walked to the steep summit of Joelspitz 1964m. After a short break we continued SE and dropped to another col, then up the steep sided Saupanzen 1956m, then dropping again before the long ascent to the summit of Lampersberg 2202m. Here we enjoyed good views, before hurrying back the same way to avoid missing the last lift down.

Route to summit



no info yet

Key gear

trekking poles