
16.1 mi total


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4,845 ft gain


10 hr 30 min total

Starting out at Dawson Saddle, I traversed the PCT to Mt Burnham and Mt Baden-Powell. After a brief rest and snack at the summit of Baden-Powell, I proceeded down the south ridge. The marine layer was thick and I could see Ross Mountain's summit barely peaking above the clouds. I had hoped it would remain that way for me while visiting. The long descent along the ridge was an accomplishment in itself while taking roughly 2 hours to reach the summit from Baden-Powell. I passed two hikers coming from the summit of Ross. We were all surprised to see another human out there. Surprisingly, the summit was still barely above the clouds. While looking over the summit register, I saw only a few visitors signed the log this year. My celebration at reaching the summit was only a flicker of emotion, since I knew that I had to endure quite a bit of climbing back out of there. When deciding to move on, this began my ascent of the "Ross Pit". It took about 3.5 hours to re-ascend Mt Baden-Powell, while stopping often to catch my breath. In looking back down the ridge, I could now see that the clouds engulfed the summit of Ross Mountain. This was the perfect day to attempt such a climb, since the temperatures had to be in the 40-50 degree range. Reaching the summit of Mt. Baden-Powell seemed like a true accomplishment this time around. However, I still had nearly a 4.5 mile hike to return to Dawson Saddle to close out the day.

Route name

Traverse via Baden-Powell South Ridge


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Key gear

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