
5.1 mi to summit

5.8 mi total


5,475 ft start

6,802 ft max


1,646 ft gain


1 hr 26 min to summit

1 hr 43 min total

Longest trail run yet. Started from Eben G. Fine park, ran through Red Rocks on the Anenome side, then "ran" up the south ridge of Sanitas. Jogged down Lionshead Trail to the true summit (rock scramble off a social trail just east of the main trail), then returned to the classic summit to descend the east side trail. Took a detour along the Dakota Ridge trail to the Dakota Ridge highpoint (again a short scramble off a social trail just east of the main trail), then returned to descend the Sanitas Valley Trail. Took the Red Rocks Trail and scrambled to the Red Rocks highpoint before returning to Eben G. Fine.

Route name

Red Rocks 6.1 mi route


no info yet

Key gear

running shoes

Other peaks climbed on this trip