
0.1 mi to summit

1.0 mi total


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no info yet

So I went up the side of the main Butte and there was apparently an old structure that you can only get to with a serious 4x4 I had to park at the bottom of the driveway... Someone had a dream of some off grid home on the top of the mountain that never came to pass.The place as trash left over from the place as well as people that have gone there to shoot up and ultimately burned down the structure only a concrete pad and 4 metal posts remain. The mountain goes straight up from the structure. I then started up the mountain I must say bring a good pair of hiking boots and sunscreen and plenty of water because it was brutal! Its face is loose volcanic rock that you need to have a footing on prior to placing your next foot. Gloves are recommended as rocks are potentially sharp and hot as heck! At the summit was absolutely beautiful however possibly because of the time of year there was a mass of small bees that were around the vegetation at the top and were a real nuisance while I was up there practically driving me off the top. From the top, you can see the whole valley and Edwards Air Force Base in the distance and as you pan around literally for miles... I will go again probably in the winter when the bees are gone...

Route to summit



road/access issues, no water source, rockfall/loose rock

Key gear

water , Gloves, Hat