Took this from the north, where there is a memorial cross to a boy who died from a bomb explosion in 1944 "mentre se trastullava", whilst he was messing about there. Followed the road towards the gated building and across the stile cutting through a field with two uninterested bullocks. The cut along the side of the hill through the forest, (if there was a pass it was covered in November leaves) traversing until a valley where faint red signs take you to the point in between the first two of the three peaks on the ridge. Here I climbed the highest point, and then went to the third peak, returning across the top of the first down ultimately to the road not far from car. On all records except for one, Punta dei Briganti is the highest point here (1130) but the map that is actually at Campo di Segni, calls this Monte dei Briganti, and seems to indicate the Punta is the first peak. No real reason to suspect it is right above the others, both make sense. The highest point is very point like. But equally possible is that the point is the high point at the end of the ridge.