
21.4 mi total


3,482 ft start

3,619 ft max


418 ft gain


5 hr 58 min total

Solo hike on the Appalachian Trail from Hogpen Gap to Sheep Rock Top and back. Lunch at an overlook between Wolfpen Stamp and White Oak Stamp Gap. A SOuthBOund backpacker came by while I was eating, and he said he hoped to camp on Blood Mountain tonight. A NOrthBOund backpacker came by with two dogs as I was getting back on the AT. Did not seen anyone after that. Scouted future bushwhacks to bypassed peaks along the way, but no bushwhacking this day. Looks like the AT used to go over the top of Poor Mountain but now goes around the east side, similar to Strawberry Top.

Route to summit



no info yet

Key gear

trekking poles

Other peaks climbed on this trip