
0.4 mi to summit

1.6 mi total


12,372 ft start

13,069 ft max


658 ft gain


23 min to summit

1 hr 26 min total

Hiked up to 2nd Lake via Shepherd Pass on July 3rd with Amber, Doug & Brenda, then went to bed early. Amber, Brenda & I got up and started hiking to Mount Williamson through Williamson Bowl around 3am via the standard route up the chute/chimney, getting back to camp only moments before a horrible afternoon hailstorm. The next morning, we slept in until 7am, then Amber, Doug & I headed up to Mount Tyndall via the North Rib, again returning to camp a few minutes before a rainstorm. After napping for a few hours, I got up & hiked to Polychrome Peak solo to watch the sunset. We hiked out on July 6th. This was a fun, but tiring holiday weekend!

Route name

Southwest Slope


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Key gear

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