
8.0 mi to summit

19.9 mi total


7,080 ft start

9,920 ft max


3,469 ft gain


1 hr 48 min to summit

3 hr 55 min total

First run up to the Wasatch Crest since moving to Park City. Starting to really like the King Road onramp to the Jupiter/Guardsman area. Hit Shadow Lake on the way up so Shiloh could grab water, then up the connector and aptly named "Puke Hill". Didn't have much time to run the actual crest, but views were spectacular. Summited Scott Hill and newly added "Peak 9770". Descended via Pinecone Ridge which might have been the highlight... Incredible rolling downhill through a Pine forest before intersecting with Mid-Mountain trail. Home via Spiro and Armstrong... LOTS of MTBers by the end, but everyone so friendly!


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