
0.7 mi to summit

1.4 mi total


7,450 ft start


430 ft gain


25 min to summit

45 min total

This small mountain is a few miles from US-64. A HC-4WD vehicle is required for the route I took. From US-64 between Tres Piedras and Taos, turn south onto a dirt road near mile marker 236. This road is not marked but is directly across from the turnoff for various Rio Grande del Norte National Monument mountains as noted on a large green road sign. After turning onto the road you will soon be confronted with choices - go straight, the road will drop down into a drainage then reemerge heading generally west and southwest. You can stay on the road and it will wind around to a saddle SW of the HP. I decided I didn't want to bounce around on the rough road so took a ranch road that heads south towards the peak. This road passes through a stick gate then soon enters a meadow where the road becomes faint. I stopped about a half mile from the HP and proceeded on foot. The summit area is still wooded and has a bit of deadfall. The HP is marked by a single small rock on top of a larger rock. Not much of view.



Key gear

trekking poles, GPS device