
2.9 mi to summit

11.3 mi total


5,872 ft start

6,976 ft max


2,947 ft gain


1 hr 50 min to summit

8 hr 11 min total

I went by back way (from Lovell) to check new route from ridge. In short, the old routes work best


no info yet

Key gear

no info yet

Other peaks climbed on this trip


Oh, I need to do this one. Good info. It will encourage me to revisit this goal with the pretty rope you gave me…and, Nice tits! Must have been cold.


This is the best trip report and info I’ve ever found. Thanks for contributing this! I’d love to conquer this peak and put it in the rotation.


It's funny, I remember your "show us your tits" comment from that day in 2019. Without a 4x4, this back way is a long route. The way from Juniper Canyon ("Rainbow without the ledges") has a few rough spots (class 4) , which are hard to describe, but is far more direct, and climbing up the ledges toward Rainbow Wall is a lot easier than descending them... then you go around the back side of Rainbow Wall, out Gunsight Notch. I have tracks for all those, but Peakery wont accept them. And then there is the "easy" Oak Cr way, just cutting over to the "Peak." That makes a long day, with the bouldering and slick ramps; nothing really hard, but over and over and over again. And over again.


I went the Oak Creek way a few years ago but I started too late and my turn around time came before getting to the the meat of the rainbow stuff. It was alot… You and I went the long back way when I wasted our time and couldn’t do scary part. I have all the tracks for the juniper canyon route but can tell it takes more courage than exists in my skill set. Gets it into my brain again to maybe see if it is something I can possibly do. I can tolerate short terrifying climbs but I know this one is 100’ or more of visual creepy. I will check out next week when it cools. Thanks again for contributing this trip report. All I need to know in one place.


100' 16mm webbing will do for that, and is 2/3 the weight of the rope. I almost went there with a group a few weeks back, and that would have made me think harder about the anchors (weather was coming in, so we aborted). I've collected photos of people handling the 2 hard sections of the ledges, will try to summarize that.


Oh. Ok. Great…You lit my fire again thinking about this Peak. Feels good. I haven’t had any conquest on the brain in a few years. I feel ashamed for walking away from it that day. I know better now to not immediately flee from the creepy sections but at least spend time near to get use to the visuals. That one is such a great distance approach and makes me worn out, and then to muster up balls to take on that section. One of your photo looks like what I saw behind (and below you) …..when you were down below me standing on what looked like nothing. Ha ha. But then trip reports on peakbagger make it sound benign and reports say cairns on the ledges are clear and climb isn’t too unreasonable.


It's still not easy. It can wait, if that's what happens.


These folks are experienced mountaineers, but didn't know what to expect.https://photos.app.goo.gl/rB5BtXo6UTjpiQrVA


https://photos.app.goo.gl/rB5BtXo6UTjpiQrVA for above. See Josh Ortman's comments on Peakery; he's a very capable guy. I'm not saying it's impossible, just be prepared, I'll have more written in a few days.


Wow! Really great photos and report info that give scale showing the hard parts. Incredibly terrifying.


The CA folks went a harder way. I've been the way, and even though it looks less frightening, it is actually harder. I went that way 14 years ago, and it was the 1st time Barb asked for a spot and put her hand on my shoulder for one more. I'll soend some time making a better photo summary by tomorrow.