
1.1 mi to summit

9.5 mi total


3,641 ft start


2,014 ft gain


25 min to summit

4 hr 11 min total

Where Highway 18 meets FR 2N40, the hike begins. The road is rough but driveable, but as far as I’m concerned, I’m there to hike, so I went on foot. The first stop was Peak 4120. It is the highest point on the hike. It also has a running power station on top, which kind of negates its natural side. Good views over Marshall Peak, though.

Marshall Peak was next, and just across the road. On the short visit, I saw no paraglider activity up there. I returned to the road and walked out to the neighboring peak, Cloud Peak. With suddenly 3 peaks in n the bag, I made a point to add two new ones. First was Peak 3215. I had to take Cloudland Truck Trail SE for about 1.5 miles and drop 700 feet to reach it. This too has a power station, but the high point is above the building. The last peak was on the way back. About a half mile from the parking area, I veered off FR2N40, and bushwhacked about 0.15 miles to the top. Not much of a summit really, so I didn’t really save the best for last. That wrapped up a five peak day.

Route to summit



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Other peaks climbed on this trip