
2.0 mi to summit

10.1 mi total


1,953 ft start

4,021 ft max


2,980 ft gain


2 hr 19 min to summit

6 hr 40 min total

Solo excursion to Frenchman to celebrate my 100th peak of all time. Noticed the peak to the south of Frenchman (Peak 3434) had 0 climbs logged in Peakery so decided to grab the 1st ascent and named it "Hundredth Peak" in recognition of my achievement. The peak itself is nothing extraordinary but the ridge scramble from Frenchman will definitely grab your attention. Continued to Frenchman NE (Peak 101) and Frenchman NW (Peak 102). Descended to the wash that runs west in between the 3 Frenchman peaks and followed it until i came upon a 20-30ft drop which had an anchor attached at the top. I didn't have any webbing or rope so opted to climb out of the wash and avoid the obstacle. I could see a 2nd anchor and subsequent drop further down the canyon. Great weather, could have used the breeze a little more. Clear day and afternoon dust settled over the strip.


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