
1.5 mi to summit

5.0 mi total


1,668 ft start

1,999 ft max


258 ft gain


1 hr 35 min to summit

3 hr 10 min total

Gina and I drove Forest Service Road 28-1 from Turner Creek to Moss Creek looking for a bushwhack from the road to hike up the south ridge of Peak 1960 ft, but nothing looked promising, so we hiked Trail 223K (gated Forest Service Road 28A) past the junction with Trail 223P to the north ridge of Peak 1960 ft, then we followed another road (not on any of our maps) to the point where I began my bushwhack. I told Gina to pick me up at Turner Creek because I thought I could bushwhack down the south ridge, but after reaching the peak, I tried to let her know that I would go back the way I came to Moss Creek. (On the way back I took a shortcut across a grassy meadow where I found evidence of use by both hunters and military.) When I got back to Moss Creek with 4.4 miles hiked, she had already driven to Turner Creek, so I hiked another 0.6 mile on Forest Service Road 28-1 to Turner Creek where she was parked.

Route name

Peak 1960 ft 5.0 mi route


routefinding, bushwhacking, blowdowns

Key gear

trekking poles