
2.8 mi to summit

3.4 mi total


1,594 ft start

2,015 ft max


1,231 ft gain


2 hr 39 min to summit

3 hr 5 min total

This hike has some of the best views of any around Lake Mead (especially Dam View Point). Anji & I parked near the last peak and hiked downhill towards the base of Cove Peak. The way up was fairly benign, but the views of Kingman Wash from the top were spectacular. From there, we followed the Ridgeline for the most part towards Dam View Point. Again, the views along the ridge and at the peak were tremendous. Peak 1876 was an easy bonus; the least spectacular of the 3.

Route name

Peak 1876 ft 3.4 mi route


rockfall/loose rock

Key gear

GPS device

Other peaks climbed on this trip