Today I approach this peak that is part of the Sierra de Burete, I see vineyards and some are inside the forest, the storms of the last few weeks have also left their mark here. The dirt track that brings me closer to the peak is full of gullies and ditches that only allow the passage of mountain bikes or hikers. Near the peak there is no path that goes up to the summit and you have to enter the forest through scrub areas and rocky slopes.
At the top, some clearings let the sun in while I watch the storms around. Some spiders are walking near me while I eat an omelette sandwich.
But the thunder is heard nearby again and I decide not to delay the descent too long. I return with the storm on my heels while I listen to the birds sing, they know that it is going to rain soon and they celebrate it like this.
Just as I get to my car the downpour falls and I'm free again for minutes.